March 08, 2020
International Womens Day
To celebrate IWD we've decided to pass the mic over to a few of the women we find the most inspirational right now.
We did a small Q & A, to give you the opportunity to find out a little bit about them, with the hope that they can inspire you too!

The Mac Twins - @themactwins
1. What do you do and why?
We’re primarily DJ’s and presenters but have since set up The Gut Stuff to empower gut health in everyone - we still love gigging, but this is really what gets the fire in our bellies.
We’re primarily DJ’s and presenters but have since set up The Gut Stuff to empower gut health in everyone - we still love gigging, but this is really what gets the fire in our bellies.
2. Why is International Women’s Day important to you?
I think visibility is important, for young girls to see women they can look up to as CEO’s or doing jobs that they aspire too.
3. Who is the most important woman in your life and why?
Our mum for sure, she’s overcome such adversity, but she’s such a pillar of strength for us.
4. If you were to give an award to your most inspirational female of 2020, who would it be and why?
Can we have lots of awards for OUR INCREDIBLE TEAM at the Gut Stuff @michellebeswick @kristycoleman @_prispective_ @Bianca_capstick @Giulia.watson @wedandbash - they prop us up every day and keep us positive and focused.
5. Last but not least what is your favourite style from Native Youth? (Can be old or new!)
Alana literally wear her tweed suit EVERYDAY, and she gets showered with compliments when she does.

Arooj Aftab - @its.arooj
1. What do you do and why?
Hey, I'm an activist, illustrator, and fashion blogger, the reason I do what I do is that I'm so passionate about positive change. Suffering from neurofibromatosis has allowed me to really connect and understand the meaning of identity and the kind of woman I want to be, I and what I want to be seen as. I try not to let my condition define me, I work with it and raise awareness within fashion by wearing oversized and menswear fits for my own modest take on body confidence. As well as that I have launched my campaign #donewithdiversity to encourage the fashion industry to rethink their language when it comes to their campaigns.
I believe we shouldn't base diversity on appearances as we should normalize all people that exist, diversity should only be based on skillset. I'm trying to replace the word for inclusivity or representation, which sounds more belonging rather than diversity which makes something different from the norm.
2. Why is International Women’s Day important to you?
It's important to me because t's just not a representation of one kind of woman, it's all women from all walks of life, it doesn't have to be a celebrity, the woman could be your neighbour, friend, colleague, and so on. and I think that's really cool.
3. Who is the most important woman in your life and why?
I meet so many amazing women on a daily basis, and everyone has their own unique thing to them, I take inspiration from whoever I meet and who has a positive energy to them, so it would b super difficult naming just one woman, but if I had would, of course, be my mother. she's so strong and incredible!
4. If you were to give an award to your most inspirational female of 2020, who would it be and why?
Greta Thunberg, she's really changed my perspective on a lot of things and is so inspiring and strong. she's a woman that I really look up to and respect.
5. Last but not least what is your favourite style from Native Youth? (Can be old or new!)
Corduroy! I love it so much, and you guys always so corduroy so well!